Security Systems

General Details
Industrial, Corporate and Home Security A must in today’s world.

Guarding one’s home & business premises has become imperative to-day. Servel offers you a security system based on your exact needs and is ideally suited to function in Indian conditions, like wide temperature & mains voltage variations, mains failure, dusty/humid  environment, etc. We offer cost-effective & efficient solution for any sized establishment, small or large, and for all security problems. Whether it is screening &  stopping a visitor at your gate or detecting, preventing & investigating low productivity/pilferage/theft/fire or  sounding burglar alarms or any other security aspect, Servel has security systems for all situations. It has a range of sophisticated, yet simple, state-of-the-art devices, equipment & systems, just right, to cater to your v security requirement.

CCTV (Closed Circuit television) Surveillance System (CCS)

A very reliable method to monitor visually, on real time basis the working of your establishment. Several locations, each covered by a video camera, can be seen on a single/multiple monitors. Also cameras can be zoomed-in for closer view of an area of interest. There is recording apparatus also available to record the events going on at any location. The CCTV recordings greatly help in:

  • Detection of thefts or intruders.

  • Monitoring mis-conduct & thereby improving employees’ discipline, &

  • Investigating accidents.

The images recorded along with date & time on VCR are also admissible as evidence in the courts. This deters anti-social oriented employees from vitiating your organization’s atmosphere. Also, the productivity of the workers increases,  especially those on night shifts in CCTV environment.

A number of viewing & recording options, including remote viewing using LAN/WAN with PC, are available.

Perimeter Security Alarm System

It monitors an entire perimeter of a given area. It can detect any movement on the perimeter and alert you through an alarm. It also can detect any digging or human movement in the vicinity of perimeter to alert the security staff. The system provides fool- proof effective security of the perimeter area. It is very useful for highly sensitive installations.

Sample Fence Configuration

Wall top fence installed in configuration to cover gaps in the wall: true ‘climb stopper’ design

Full height, stand alone fence installed with anti approach and tamper protected design: slanting front portion prevents approach towards fence

Stand alone fence installed next to A wall in straight configuration

System Description

Alarm Conditions

Alarm will be generated in the following events:

  • Cutting of Fence wires
  • Shorting of HV or LV wires to ground
  • Cutting / disconnection in the data cable or disruption in the wireless communication link.
  • Detection of shock ( Similar to shorting the HV wire to ground via a 1000 Ohms resistor)
  • Shorting of two line of HV OR LV Lines (Unique loop detection facility)
  • Opening of cabinet door (Separate alarm)

Audio Video Phone (AVP)

Is a very security device to screen your visitor outside the gate without opening it. When a visitor presses the call-bell, a chime is sounded to alert you; and at the press of a button on monitor inside the house, you can see the visitor on the screen.

You can then speak to the visitor about the purpose of visit and decide whether to let in the visitor. These is an added facility to install a magnetic lock on the entrance door which can be opened by pressing a button on the monitor key pad.

Very useful for ladies and old people who are generally alone at home. Audio-phone is optional. Cordless AVP option also available.

Fire Alarm (FA) with CCP*

It is based on detection of smoke or high temperature through special sensors. on detection of fire, an alarm is sounded on a Central Control Panel (CCP), also showing area or zone where the fire has broken out. A water sprinkler if installed can also be started automatically.

An auto-telephone dialer (ATD) can also be attached to the CCP to inform about fire detection & the zone affected through a pre-recorded message.

Burglar / Intruder Alarm (BA) with CCP*

Presence of a burglar or intruder in am area gets detected through special motion/movement sensor. opening of a window/door or breaking of glass or hammering of wall could also be easily detected through special sensors. The sensors can be easily installed and are very effective.

When an intruder is detected, the CCP raises an alarm, also displaying the area/zone of intrusion. The surroundings if programmed & desired can also be automatically illuminated on such detection and/or a hooter sounded as a deterrent for the intruder who may then try to flee away from the scene. An auto-dialler as in case of fire-detection can also be brought in action here, particularly when the owner is absent and he/she thus gets automatically information of intrusion.

PIR (Passive infra red) Alarms

It is a motion/movement detector alarm and can be installed inside or outside (all weather-proof model). It is connected to an electrical switch so as to automatically switch on the lights on detection of intrusion. This acts as a deterrent to the intruder who may then run away.

*Central Control Panel (CCP) for Fire/Burglar Alarms

A range of sensors to detect fire and/or intruders are installed all over the premises as per your requirements. The CCP monitors all the sensors. It raises on detection of fire/intruder and displays the zone/area of detection. ATD also comes into action if installed. Usually 4 telephone nos. and 1 pager are auto-dialled; & the concerned persons are informed through a pre-recorded message about the nature of the alarm (as to fire or intruder) & the zone affected. The CCP can monitor as many as 186 zones for very large establishments.

Access Control Systems (ACS)

Access to sensitive areas like laboratories, computer-centres, etc. can be limited to only authorised personnel by using this system. The entry doors of the sensitive area are electronically locked and get opened only through access magnetic card programmed & provided for the purpose. The access cards are of 2 types ‘Proximity’ based & ‘Swipe’ based.

ACS are also available based on matching of finger prints for extremely high security access control.

The cards used for access control are also effective tools for time office records as these can easily be programmed using special software to give all relevant data for the time office.

Guard Monitoring Unit (GMU)

This simple electrically operated stand-alone unit monitors the continued alertness of a guard and improves his performance qualitatively. It checks periodically at regular pre-defined intervals over-night patrolling of a guard and maintains its record. The over-night patrolling record can easily be checked by the supervisor in the morning. The unit has 12 hours back-up for mains failure provided by Ni-Cd chargeable batteries and hence the over-night record never gets lost.

In addition, several other types of custom-built security systems/products are also available for any situation. We shall be glad to design & provide the system as per your needs. Please contact us for the same.

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